
Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Getting Debt Free

One of the reasons that got me to start this blog is the want to become debt free. My husband and I took a wonderful class at our church and are currently working on becoming debt free. We took Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University. We have graduated are are continuing on working to become debt free. One of the first things was to stop using credit cards. I haven't used one since the end of February and surprisingly I don't miss it and somehow I feel like we have money! Little things (that are big) have been using the budget and paying down debt with a vengeance. 

I highly recommend taking the class. Here is where you need to go to get to Mr. Ramsey's website. He is running a special for the materials. My husband razzed me about spending $100 on a class to stop spending money but he even agrees it's been one of the best investments we've ever made! I'm looking forward to the day we can yell "WE'RE DEBT FREE!!!!!!" I know it's coming soon and I have the plan laid out.

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